l'agenda va plena
"The movie is based on a real story about Orchestra, detention house, during The 1st World War etc. German soldiers who fought in China were taken as captives and sent to Japan. They had a hard time in the 1st detention house, Kyushu for 2 years and then were sent to Bando, Tokushima. The chief of that camp treated captives nicely, because he thought people were equal even though they had fought. The captives were allowed to grow vegetables, bake bread show their techniques of a printing etc. and they commute with local people. When they left Japan they wanted to do something and decided to perform "Beethoven, No9". That's the 1st performance of "Beethoven, No9" in Japan. And now "Beethoven, No9" is performed in many places in Japan at the end of year as customary."
jo no cantaré la novena simfonia, crec, però hi haurà algú que ho farà. són ben bé 12 hores de feina, no excessivament mal pagades. m'han advertit que farà fred, i si ho diuen és perquè REALMENT en farà. per sort m'engresca la idea i m'engresca el sou. avantatges de ser estranger en un país que no estima gaire els forans. de la boca d'un professor "al japó encara hi ha qui creu que aquest país és només per als japonesos". em sembla lamentable. per sort són uns quants els que no pensen així. a la universitat, per exemple, no comparteixen el parer els membres de l'overseas exchange comitteee, un grapat d'adolescents amb prou temps lliure com per organitzar festes -la última, avui mateix- per gaijin. ens donen conversa. ens ofereixen menjar. ens examinen amb ulls atònits. en resum, ens integren. gràcies.
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